The Best Christmas Gifts Ever

Strictly an impulse buy. I thought William and Ernest would snuffle them and withdraw to the tattered old blankets beside the humans’ chairs. But on Christmas Eve, I set them beside the tree, and in the morning we found them occupied. The tattered old blankets are on the way out.






Whiskertips’ Return, 2017: Unashamedly Catcentric

When I opened Whiskertips, I intended to write about “Books, Cats, and Life in General.” Before long, however, the blog became catcentric, so I created a second blog, Telling the Truth, Mainly,” and left Whiskertips to float in cyberspace for the pleasure (I hoped) of any reader who happened to drop in.

Now I find Telling the Truth, Mainly, where I planned to write about writing and life in general, is following in Whiskertips’ steps, becoming catty.

Today it came to me: What’s wrong with a catcentric blog? That’s life, too. My friends describe me as “the woman whose slacks are covered with cat hair.”

So in honor of all my cats, past and present, I’m reopening Whiskertips. I begin by reintroducing my feline family.

I have no pictures of Tinker, Miss Kitty, Ten-Thirty, Wimple, Ashley, Mr. Peyton, and Christabel, but here are pictures of immediate past and current CEOs.

Chloe, ca. 2005


Alice B Toeclaws, ca. 2005


William, ca. 2012


Ernest, ca. 2012

Why you can’t find things and how I’m going to fix it

But these kitties–they just come, don’t they? ~ Woman whose B&B southwest of London is a shrine to The Cat, both living and decorative

I refixed the problem by changing back to a more user-friendly template. But feel free to read the post anyway. The information is outdated, but if you read far enough, there’s mention of my baby picture.

William and Ernest recently took control of Whiskertips. They didn’t stage a coup or anything, just wormed their way into power.

Anyway, because they prefer to communicate visually rather than verbally, I switched the blog to a format designed for photography. An unexpected consequence of the switch is that earlier posts displaying multiple photos now show only one.

In addition, a title search brings up a page bearing the phrase Search Results above a little box. The box links to the post. If there’s a picture on the post, that picture appears in the box. But if there’s no picture, the box turns up empty, and there’s nothing to identify it as a link.

Experienced surfers will know they’re supposed to click on the box. Those not familiar with the graphical nature of the web, however,  might sit for several seconds, or even minutes, wondering what to do next .

In fact, frequent web users might sit and wonder. I did. Not for minutes, of course, but for long enough to inspire me to write this post.

At any rate, that’s how things work now. I’ll revamp the earlier posts to make search boxes easier to find. I’ll also recover the photos now hidden in cyberspace.

Because there’s a really cute baby picture of me. I’m sitting beside a string of catfish. It’s a shame to keep that from the public.