Disclaimer, referencing previous post

Let me be clear: I don’t want possession of the remote control, nor do I complain about those who possess it.

But I have noticed, in observing hundreds of domestic arrangements over the past three decades, that the remote normally falls under male supervision.

I’ve also observed that when the remote can’t be found, the female is often responsible for its disappearance. (She’s hidden it.)

The above is only semi-true in my household. When the remote disappears, I am responsible, but not deliberately. I simply tend to set it down in places where it can be easily obscured by collapsing towers of books and papers.

I don’t attempt to excuse myself. I should be more careful.

But I will note that, when our remote goes missing, both I and my spouse know where to look for it.

2 thoughts on “Disclaimer, referencing previous post

  1. In my house, I keep control of the remote because we have one of those fancy Harmony remotes and I’m the one who knows how it works!


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